Israel Gaza invasion Day 106

Ten Israeli deaths in the latest toll from the attack on Damascus: monitor

According to AFP, an Israeli strike on Damascus on Saturday claimed the lives of at least ten individuals, including the chief of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards’ Syria spy network and his deputy.

Israel Gaza invasion Day 106

The head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Rami Abdel Rahman, told AFP that “the death toll rose from six to ten after bodies that were still trapped under the rubble had been recovered.”

Gaza Health Ministry: Aid does not cover “basic health needs.”

Israel Gaza invasion
Israel Gaza invasion

The Gaza Strip’s health ministry spokeswoman, Ashraf al-Qudra, told Al Jazeera that Israel has been attacking the hospital system since the assault started on October 7.

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“Basic health needs are not being met by the aid entering the Gaza Strip,” he declared.

“To save as many as we can, we attempt to distinguish between cases among the injured and ill,” he continued.

According to him, Israel is in charge of the system that allows patients who desperately need medical attention to leave the Gaza Strip.

Every university in Gaza has now been destroyed or at least damaged, according to a Palestinian news agency, WAFA. CNN relays this information, citing the Palestinian news agency.

According to CNN, it has geolocated photos of the university’s damage that correspond to its location and has contacted the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) for a response to these allegations. As of yet, the IDF has not replied.

The graduate and undergraduate study buildings at Al-Israa University, which is located south of Gaza City, were allegedly hit.

In order to hide the evidence of their crime, the IDF allegedly stole artifacts “before blowing up the museum building,” according to the university. CNN has contacted the IDF over this allegation and is awaiting a response.

On November 26, 2023, Palestinians in Gaza City ride motorcycles past the demolished Islamic University building. AFP

Israeli forces have desecrated at least 16 cemeteries in Gaza, according to a report.

According to CNN, the Israeli military’s ground attack in Gaza has resulted in the destruction of at least 16 cemeteries, leaving gravestones destroyed, soil turned over, and in some cases, bodies discovered.

Israeli forces demolished a cemetery in Khan Younis, southern Gaza, where violence flared up earlier this week. According to the Israel Defence Forces (IDF), this was done as part of their hunt for the corpses of hostages that Hamas had taken during the terror assaults on October 7.

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CNN claims to have seen firsthand, while riding in a convoy with the IDF, the devastation of cemeteries using social media footage and satellite photography. When taken as a whole, the evidence points to a systematic Israeli ground force advance throughout the Gaza Strip.

Legal experts warned CNN that Israel’s actions might constitute war crimes. The deliberate demolition of religious places, such as cemeteries, is against international law, unless there are specific conditions linked to the site being a military goal.

22 Palestinians are detained in the West Bank occupation

Al Jazeera quotes the Palestinian Prisoners’ Club to say that Israeli soldiers detained at least 22 Palestinians, including a woman and children, during the course of the night in the occupied West Bank.

Hebron, Nablus, Tubas, Bethlehem, Jenin, and Jerusalem were the locations of the arrests, which the organization said “were accompanied by widespread raids and abuse, in addition to widespread sabotage and destruction of citizens’ homes, the destruction of infrastructure, and the confiscation of money and vehicles.”

With this, there have been 6,115 Palestinians arrested since October 7.

Iran claims that Israel killed the chief of the Guards’ Syria intelligence and three other people.

The Iranian Revolutionary Guards’ chief of intelligence for Syria and his deputy, along with two other Guards personnel, were killed in an Israeli strike on Damascus, according to AFP.

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The AFP cited Iran’s Mehr news agency as saying, “The Revolutionary Guards’ Syria intel chief, his deputy, and two other Guards members were martyred in the attack on Syria by Israel.”

The Revolutionary Guards announced in a statement that four of its comrades had perished in the attack on the Syrian capital and charged Israel with being the attack’s mastermind.

Gaza needs an immediate cease-fire, according to the Palestinian Ministry

The Foreign Ministry of the Palestinian Authority has declared that a ceasefire is required, not merely words alerting people to the gravity of the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip.

The ministry noted in a statement that disseminating data about Palestinian victims is not the only thing the UN and the international community do.

“They have to take on their legal obligations. According to the ministry, it is morally required to put an immediate stop to hostilities and take all necessary concrete steps to safeguard civilians and ensure their basic requirements are met.

Death toll in Gaza approaches 25,000

According to a recent assessment by the health ministry, since October 7, Israeli attacks have resulted in at least 24,927 Palestinian deaths and over 62,300 injuries, as reported by Al Jazeera.

Additional Palestinian mistreatment reports following their release from Israeli custody

Al Jazeera says that Israeli forces torture and jail a large number of Palestinians on a daily basis.

Muhammad Abu Samra, one of those freed, reportedly told Al Jazeera that he and other prisoners were blindfolded and physically assaulted after being charged with possessing and utilizing weapons.

“They moved us to an Israeli army camp. They pushed sand on us and allowed dogs to urinate on us. They vowed to shoot us. He claimed, “They moved us a few meters and told us to get ready for our execution after two hours of being half-naked in such conditions.”

Another ex-prisoner, Abdel Qader Tafesh, states, “I only survived because of God’s will.”

Every day, we’ve endured collective punishment. Tafesh expressed his sympathy for the arrested Palestinian teenagers, aged 15 to 16, expressing his sorrow for their ordeal of torture.

According to a UN organization, tons of garbage in Gaza are promoting the spread of illnesses.

According to the UN organization for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA), “tons of waste” are accumulating near the makeshift shelters for the displaced in Gaza.

It said, “The effects are seen in the community, with an increase in the spread of diseases linked to this pollution among families and children.”


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