The Growing Trend Of Artificial Intelligence Latest News

‘About 40% of jobs could be affected by artificial intelligence’

Growing trend of artificial intelligence
Growing trend of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been projected by Kristalina Georgieva, managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), to impact 60 percent of jobs in advanced economies and roughly 40 percent of occupations worldwide. Can

Before departing for Davos, Switzerland, to attend the World Economic Forum, he discussed IMF research in an interview, stating that artificial intelligence (AI) might impact 60% of jobs in developed countries and certain emerging ones.
‘AFP’, a foreign news source, reported that stated artificial intelligence will impact 26% of low-income countries and 40% of emerging markets, affecting roughly 40% of all jobs worldwide. able to

According to the IMF assessment, half of the employment that artificial intelligence will affect would suffer, while the remaining jobs could see an improvement in productivity as a result of it.

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According to Kristalina Georgieva, artificial intelligence has the potential to either totally replace your job or improve it, increasing your salary.

According to the IMF, this can widen economic inequality through the digital divide and cross-country remittances.

The paper stated that AI puts older workers at higher risk and that the IMF is developing policies to address these issues.

According to him, we should put a specific emphasis on assisting low-income nations so they can take advantage of the prospects that artificial intelligence presents.

It should be mentioned that individuals are concerned that their careers may be in jeopardy because of the rapidly expanding trend of artificial intelligence worldwide. In a survey released last year, the American media company CNN claimed that artificial intelligence might eventually replace 30 crore workers globally.

Growing trend of artificial intelligence, fear of 30 crore job loss

The growing trend of artificial intelligence,
The growing trend of artificial intelligence,

People fear that their careers are in jeopardy because of the rapidly expanding trend of artificial intelligence worldwide.

A CNN research claims that artificial intelligence has the potential to displace 300 million jobs globally.

18% of employment worldwide might be automated, according to a report by US investment bank Goldman Sachs. The implications would probably be greater in industrialized economies than in emerging ones.

Economists caution that the people most impacted by artificial intelligence will be attorneys and administrative staff.

Estimates from Bank Goldman Sachs indicate that artificial intelligence (AI) is influencing two-thirds of jobs in America and Europe.

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The majority of jobs and industries will be somewhat impacted by AI technology, according to economists, but the influence on the workforce might be substantial.

Jobs Available

Artificial intelligence has the potential to both enhance production and generate new opportunities, but it also poses a threat to jobs.

The British media company BBC predicts a 7% rise in worldwide production of goods and services.

According to the government, artificial intelligence will raise economic productivity, hence the British government plans to enhance investment in the field.

In an interview with The Sun, Technology Secretary Mitchell Donnellan stated, “We want to make sure artificial intelligence works exactly the way we do and makes our jobs easier rather than taking them away.”

According to the paper, the effects of artificial intelligence will differ depending on the industry. For example, 46% of management jobs and 44% of legal profession employment will be automated, but only 6% of jobs in construction and maintenance will be automated. Four percent of the job will be mechanized.

Future journalists will have more rivalry, according to Oxford Martin School head of work Carl Benedict Frey.

According to him, when AI becomes more adept at writing stories, “journalists will face more competition, which will reduce wages.”

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